For our recent series of Labelled workshops, we were joined by industry experts as we delved into the world of decluttering and organising your home, your inbox and your imagery. If you missed the workshops, they can all be viewed again on our IGTV and we have rounded-up our top tips and best practices from each one below.
Manage Your Inbox - Top Tips from James Harwood of Next Action Associates

Top Tips
Your head is for having ideas, not holding them. Do a ‘mindsweep’ to write down all the tasks you are keeping in your head – thereby clearing your head for thinking and creativity.
Use the 2 minute rule – if you come across something you can do in under 2 minutes just do it, then and there.
Use Context Specific lists – not everything should go on the same list – so shopping list, a list of home actions, a list of computer actions, calls I can make when in the car etc.
To contact James Harwood: james.harwood@next-action.co.uk +44 (0) 7956 562 411 www.next-action.co.uk
How to Organise Your Home - Top Tips from Vicky Silverthorn of You Need A Vicky

Top Tips
In the kitchen have all the things that you use daily easily accessible and move everything that only you use occasionally, such as dinner sets for special occasions, onto higher shelves or store them away neatly (and labelled!).
In your home office create a simple system to manage your paperwork. Use a set of narrow drawers labelled for bills, school etc. Add an ‘action’ tray on top so papers go straight in there and are filed in drawers when dealt with. Keep clutter minimal as it negatively impacts your productivity.
In your bathroom get rid of any products that you no longer use and donate any unopened items. Make an ‘almost empty’ basket for the products you love that are running low and make a conscious effort to use them daily.
To contact Vicky Silverthorn: vicky@youneedavicky.com +44 (0) 07487 792096 www.youneedavicky.com
How to Organise Your Imagery - Top Tips from Olivia Norman of At Last Creative
How to Declutter Your Life - Top Tips from Gill Hasson

Top Tips
For the items you are scared to throw out because you worry you might need them again - fear-based clutter - let go of them knowing you can always borrow or buy them again in the future.
For the items you hope to wear or use again like you once did - hope-based clutter - remove the negative reminder of what you haven’t done by taking a mindful approach to live in the present and free up space for the things that you enjoy using now.
For the items that are a reminder of a past moment or happy memories, - past-based clutter - be selective of your favourites and remove those that are less meaningful to make space to move forward.
To contact Gill Hasson: gillhasson@btinternet.com www.gillhasson.co.uk
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